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  • Manor Creek

January city meeting - VIRTUAL

Dear residents of Manor Creek,

The next meeting of the City of Manor Creek is at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, January 26, 2021. To keep the Commission and the public safe during the COVID-19 pandemic and in accordance with Kentucky Executive Order 2020-243 and the Attorney General Advisory Opinion issued on March 31, 2020, this meeting will be held through video conference. The public is invited to view the meeting at

The agenda for the meeting is below:

  • Swearing in of commissioners

  • Minutes from November meeting and December special meeting

  • Financial report

  • Update on front entrance

  • Christmas lighting report

  • Renewal of certificates of deposit

  • Report to Department of Local Government

  • Street sign replacement comment

  • Work on Manor Creek website

Kind regards,

John Young


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