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Safety updates & meeting reminder

Hello, neighbors!

It appears car break-ins are making a bit of a resurgence in our area, including one recently on Cranborne Court and in nearby neighborhoods. As a reminder:

  • Law enforcement has shared that lighting is the number one deterrent for crime. Consider leaving exterior lights on overnight and/or adding lighting in darker areas around your home.

  • If you're unable to park your vehicle in a garage, remove valuable items and lock the doors.

  • Lock the doors to your vehicles, house, garage, etc., even when you're home.

  • Stay alert! Share information with neighbors and watch out for anything that seems out of the ordinary (read on for a real-life example!).

  • Sign up to receive LMPD crime alerts and learn more about reporting and tracking crime throughout our area.

  • Sign up for neighborhood REACH Alerts - it's a free and easy way for Manor Creek to share a variety of important and time sensitive information. Type in "Manor Creek" and follow the prompts to sign up.

Additionally, a neighbor reached out about a suspicious vehicle they encountered while walking in Manor Creek and Broeck Pointe on a recent evening. The vehicle made several loops around the Broeck Pointe circle, drove around our neighborhood, and then back to Broeck Pointe. The car was a dark, midsize, 4-door sedan with unusually shaped "skinny" tail lights that weren't working. Please stay aware as you're out and about, and report any suspicious activity to LMPD. The Eighth Division, which serves our neighborhood, is conveniently headquartered on Goose Creek Rd. near Westport Rd. For non-emergencies, you can reach them at 502-574-2258. REMINDER: Our January city meeting is postponed to Tuesday, February 7, at 7:30 PM in the small conference room at New Life Church. (Please note that Broeck Pointe is meeting there at the same time in the larger meeting space, so make sure to join us in the small conference room.) Our February meeting will take place as scheduled on Tuesday, February 28, at 7:30 PM at New Life Church. Thank you!

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